Summary of 2019

2019 was a fantastic year for Jamaican Twist as we kicked started our celebrations in Alexander park Manchester. By setting up our heavyweight sound Fusion Hi-Power in the most talked about corner in the park Jamaica Corner!
Jamaica corner 2019 was the place to be!!!
We had everything the hottest dj’s from London spinning the hottest hits on the hottest sound around! To having a fully stocked ‘Jamaican Twist Rum Bar’ for everyone's refreshment needs! To even having a surprise for the crowd!
This year in Manchester we served up the well renowned delicious Port Royal Patties.
Everything was in check Music ( check) Drink (check) Food (check) Dancers (check)
What more can you ask for!!!
Everything check in nothing nah check out!!
Take a look at out Gallery to see us in action…..

2019 was a fantastic year for Jamaican Twist as we celebrated 20 years of our big bad heavyweight sound Fusion Hi-Power being on the streets of Notting Hill.
As the 20th Anniversary celebrations continued we made sure that when we took it to the streets of Notting Hill everyone would hear about it! This year we took it to the streets with a storm with the iconic Fusion Hi-Power logo on the front of our truck and on the t-shirts. The iconic logo and the beautiful colours from our costumes filled the streets of Notting Hill with our theme for the year “The return of the Dr Bird”.
As a record breaking year for the Carnival temperature Jamaican Twist celebrated and represented all good things about Jamaica - ‘Out of Many One People’
Jamaican Twist also recognises and will never forget the tragedy of Grenfell
We simply say - ‘Grenfell never forgotten’
2020 we plan to be bigger and better. Look out for our 2020 theme to be released in the new year.
Jamaican Twist